Green Charcoal Namibia is defined by three values that are essential for it to function properly. These three values are key pillars on a daily basis; the expertise, its people and the focus on the environment. They play a fundamental role in the development of Green Charcoal Namibia.


Green Charcoal Nambia, témoigne de son attention portée aux normes environnementales avec la certification FSC® (FSC-C176429), qui garantit que nos produits proviennent de forêts durablement gérées.


Green Charcoal Namibia s’engage auprès de la population locale. Depuis l’ouverture de notre usine à Arandis, nous sommes fiers d’avoir contribué à la création d’emplois dans la région  démontrant notre engagement au développement économique et social.


Chez Green Charcoal Namibia, nous sommes fiers de mettre notre savoir-faire à votre service et de pouvoir vous faire profiter de notre gamme de nos produits de qualité pour vos barbecues.


Green Charcoal Namibia can demonstrate its focus on environmental standards with the FSC® certification (FSC-C176429),
which guarantees that our products come from sustainably managed forests.

Social Impact

Green Charcoal Namibia is committed to the local population. Since the opening of our factory in Arandis, we are proud to have contributed to the creation of jobs within the region, demonstrating our commitment to economic and social development.


At Green Charcoal Namibia, we are proud to be able to offer you our expertise, and to allow you to enjoy our range of high-quality products for your barbecues.

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Accordion with Rotation